Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Thoughts on the Course

I can not lie...this course was challenging!! I am not tech savvy, and this class forced me out of my comfort zone of paper and pen. I was forced to use technology more than I ever would have wanted to. However, this was a good thing. I know that as a teacher, I am going to need to incorporate technology into my lessons on a daily basis. In this class i learned many ways to incorporate technology into teaching Social Studies. One of my favorites was Kahoot. An interactive online quiz where you can make up the questions and answers. Not only is this fun for Social Studies but other content areas as well. Another fun use of technology that my group used while teaching at Bishop Dunn is Voki. This allows you to create a character that can speak, and you decide what the character looks like and says. This is a fun way to introduce a topic to activity to the class. I will be using both of these when I am a teacher and I have a class of my own.

I am grateful for the experience that I have had in this class. Especially my first experience with teaching. It was even better that I got to teach with friends : )

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